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Enhance AI_

Unlock the value of your music.

Enhance AI enriches each track with advanced metadata and analyzes song lyrics in multiple languages simultaneously.

Unlock the value of your music with AI-powered music intelligence.

Unlock the value of your music with AI-powered music intelligence.

  • Generates more than 300 metadata tags including moods, genres, vocal category (instrumental, low and high pitched voice), situations and acoustic attributes such as key, mode, bpm, and energy level.
  • Improves track discoverability, searchability and usage.
  • Powered by Utopia's Artificial Intelligence and 25+ years of scientific research.
  • DDEX compliant.

Enhance Audio

  • Audio analysis that makes music more searchable and discoverable to even out music catalog consumption.
  • Increases discoverability via voice-enabled smart speakers.
  • 100 million+ tracks enriched for our customers so far.

Enhance Lyrics

  • Analyze 9+ languages, moods, themes, and keywords from song lyrics to generate highly specific search results.
  • Automates the lengthy process of generating manual lyric tags.
  • Audio-to-lyric transcription coming soon.